Being a Landlord. It all starts with Mindset.
Let’s start with how we think about property. We need to ensure our mindset is right here. So a property is not just a property. Its an asset. Its also an investment. Per Investopedia,
“An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation.”
In other words, its something you purchase to make money from.
Whether you are buying a property to then rent it out (Buy to Let, aka “BTL”), or to live in yourself, that property purchase represents an investment. The majority of Landlords are looking to generate income, for future capital growth, or preferably both.
Other reasons to invest do exist (i.e. diversification, to house a relative, charitable motives etc) but primarily the decision to purchase a property is driven by financial motives.

However, as a Landlord, property is more than just an Investment. It’s a Business, regardless of how many properties you rent out. A Business is defined as:
“an organization where people work together. In a business, people work to make and sell products or services. A business can earn a profit for the products and services it offers.”
Reading through that description, its easy to see why your rental property should be treated as a business:
- It requires people (you and other stakeholders) to work together, be it tenants, mortgage lenders, cleaners or handymen.
- You sell a service (a home for a tenant to live in).
- You (hopefully) earn a profit for the service you offer (be that recurring income or future capital gain – or both).
I’d also add that owning and renting out a property involves making strategic decisions, deals with cash inflows and outflows and requires time input from you as the owner – all things, along with many others that I’d associate with a running a Business.
As a Landlord, it’s vital to think of your Property as a Business. For starters, a property purchase for most represents the biggest investment they will ever make. Its also a decision made with a view to generating income or capital growth. These represent two very important factors in most peoples lives. As such, a property should be given the same time, resources and respect as if you were running a Business.
Key point: As a Landlord, you have a Business.
Having this mindset is key if you want your property business to perform well.